The University of Auckland

Now We Are 12: Teacher Survey Report

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This report focuses on the educational experiences of the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) cohort. A teacher survey was conducted as part of the 12-year data collection wave, where teachers of the GUiNZ cohort were invited to take part in an online questionnaire. In this report, findings from the teacher survey are presented. These findings relate to young people (n = 1,271) who were predominantly in year 7 at school (around age 11 to 12). In this report we outline the demographics of the teachers who took part in the survey (n = 775), students' experiences of distance learning during COVID-19, and describe the students' physical learning environments at school. We also share information on teaching practices, class climate, the student-teacher relationship, teacher perceptions of academic performance and digital competencies, and compare teacher and student perceptions of bullying and school engagement.


Crown Funding managed by the Ministry of Social Development



Growing Up in New Zealand: University of Auckland

Spatial coverage

New Zealand

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


Data Collection Wave

DCW12 (12-year)