We specify a Bayesian mixed effects model equivalent to that in lme4 as:

\[\begin{align*} y & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(\mu, \sigma_{t}) \\ \mu & = \beta_{0} + s_j + (\overrightarrow{\beta_{Time}} \times \overrightarrow{X_{Time}}) + (\overrightarrow{\beta_{Group}} \times \overrightarrow{X_{Group}}) + (\overrightarrow{\beta_{Int}} \times \overrightarrow{X_{Int}})\\ \overrightarrow{\beta_{Age}},\overrightarrow{\beta_{Time}},\overrightarrow{\beta_{Int}} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0, 10) \\ \beta_{0} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(30, 5) \\ s_{j} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0, \sigma_{s}) \\ \sigma_{s},\sigma_{t} & \sim \operatorname{Half Student}(3,0,mad(y)) \\ \end{align*}\]

Overarrows are used to indicate vectors with dummy coding of categorical fixed effect variables and \(s_j\) corresponds to the random efffects of participant j. Relatively non-committal priors are used. For the overall intercept a normal prior with mean of 30 with sd of 5 gives 95% coverage of the range 20-40. 20 is the minimum entry criteria for the study while a patient with severe MADRS score of > 40 would typically be excluded. For fixed effects, normal priors are used with an sd of 10 which allows for a range of effect sizes of size comparable to that seen in prior studies of scopolamine (e.g. Drevets and Furey (2010)) and a relatively similar local population for which we tested ketamine as an antidepressant (Sumner et al. (2020)). sd priors are specified as default half student t priors as suggested by Gelman (2006) using the median absolute deviation (mad) of y as the scale factor (Bürkner (2017)). For MCMC modelling Stan is acccessed through the brms interface (Bürkner (2017)). For computing Bayes Factors, a ROPE of range |sd/10| is used (Kruschke and Liddell (2018)).

# Load libraries, data and set some variables ---------------------------------


dresswide <- read_csv(here("DRESS_alldata_anon_publish.csv"))

dressMADRS <- pivot_longer(dresswide, names_to = "Time", cols = starts_with("madrs"), values_to = "MADRS") %>%
              select(anon_id, Time, drug, MADRS) %>% rename(ID = anon_id) %>% rename(Group = drug)   %>%
              filter(Time != "madrs_0_total")

dressMADRS$ID <- factor(dressMADRS$ID)            #Participant ID
dressMADRS$Group <- factor(dressMADRS$Group)      #Scopolamine or Placebo
dressMADRS$Time <- factor(dressMADRS$Time, 
                          labels =  c("Base", "3 Hour", "1 Day", "3 Day", "1 Week", "2 Week", "4 Week", "6 Week"))
# Plot the model outputs - examine chains and overlays and print summary /BF ---

mcmc_dens_overlay(postModel1, regex_pars = "b_") 

mcmc_dens_overlay(postModel1, pars = c("sigma", "sd_ID__Intercept"))

##  Family: gaussian 
##   Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
## Formula: MADRS ~ 0 + Intercept + Group + Time + Group:Time + (1 | ID) 
##    Data: dressMADRS (Number of observations: 320) 
## Samples: 3 chains, each with iter = 10000; warmup = 500; thin = 1;
##          total post-warmup samples = 28500
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~ID (Number of levels: 40) 
##               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)     6.04      0.80     4.68     7.80 1.00     7216    12236
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## Intercept              27.14      1.82    23.56    30.75 1.00     6105    11297
## Groupscop               1.00      2.37    -3.69     5.63 1.00     6514    11515
## Time3Hour              -7.26      1.87   -10.92    -3.62 1.00    13542    18803
## Time1Day              -10.50      1.87   -14.17    -6.84 1.00    14237    19526
## Time3Day              -10.22      1.86   -13.92    -6.58 1.00    13154    18227
## Time1Week              -9.07      1.85   -12.68    -5.41 1.00    13005    19315
## Time2Week              -6.75      1.86   -10.43    -3.09 1.00    13168    18837
## Time4Week              -6.09      1.87    -9.73    -2.46 1.00    13598    19716
## Time6Week              -6.96      1.88   -10.64    -3.27 1.00    14109    19526
## Groupscop:Time3Hour     1.92      2.38    -2.72     6.57 1.00    14019    19330
## Groupscop:Time1Day     -3.46      2.39    -8.20     1.16 1.00    14428    19224
## Groupscop:Time3Day     -2.22      2.36    -6.85     2.39 1.00    13689    18599
## Groupscop:Time1Week     0.21      2.37    -4.52     4.84 1.00    13591    19199
## Groupscop:Time2Week    -0.57      2.40    -5.31     4.08 1.00    13475    19311
## Groupscop:Time4Week    -1.05      2.38    -5.73     3.60 1.00    13946    19144
## Groupscop:Time6Week    -1.29      2.39    -5.99     3.40 1.00    14382    19196
## Family Specific Parameters: 
##       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sigma     5.81      0.25     5.35     6.34 1.00    37001    21957
## Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
## and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
sd_y = sd(dressMADRS$MADRS, na.rm = TRUE)
bf1 <- bayesfactor_parameters(model1, prior = NULL, null = c(-sd_y/10, sd_y/10))
bf1 %>% mutate(int = effectsize::interpret_bf((1/bf1$BF), include_value = TRUE))
## # Bayes Factor (Null-Interval)
## Parameter           |        BF |                                         int
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intercept           | 3.190e+09 |  extreme evidence (BF = 1/3.19e+09) against
## Groupscop           |     0.206 |  moderate evidence (BF = 4.86) in favour of
## Time3Hour           |   135.933 |    extreme evidence (BF = 1/135.93) against
## Time1Day            | 11409.734 |  extreme evidence (BF = 1/1.14e+04) against
## Time3Day            | 14370.537 |  extreme evidence (BF = 1/1.44e+04) against
## Time1Week           |  2701.094 |  extreme evidence (BF = 1/2.70e+03) against
## Time2Week           |    70.516 | very strong evidence (BF = 1/70.52) against
## Time4Week           |    32.351 | very strong evidence (BF = 1/32.35) against
## Time6Week           |    97.653 | very strong evidence (BF = 1/97.65) against
## Groupscop.Time3Hour |     0.278 |  moderate evidence (BF = 3.60) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time1Day  |     0.630 | anecdotal evidence (BF = 1.59) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time3Day  |     0.319 |  moderate evidence (BF = 3.14) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time1Week |     0.185 |  moderate evidence (BF = 5.40) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time2Week |     0.191 |  moderate evidence (BF = 5.24) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time4Week |     0.210 |  moderate evidence (BF = 4.76) in favour of
## Groupscop.Time6Week |     0.227 |  moderate evidence (BF = 4.40) in favour of
## * Evidence Against The Null: [-0.892, 0.892]
# Plot posterior densities and HDIs -------------------------------------------
cnames <- c("Group","Group x 3 Hour", "Group x 1 Day", "Group x 3 Day", "Group x 1 x Week", "Group x 2 Week",
                  "Group x 4 Week", "Group x 6 Week", "3 Hour", "1 Day", "3 Day", "1 Week", "2 Week", "4 Week", 
                  "6 Week")

ccc <-  postModel1 %>% select(starts_with(c("b_G", "b_T"))) %>%
        tibble() %>%
        rename_all(function(.){cnames}) %>%
        pivot_longer(names_to = "cat", values_to = "val", cols = everything()) %>%
        mutate(cat = factor(cat))

ccc %>% ggplot(aes(x=val, y = 0, group = cat)) + 
        stat_halfeye(point_interval = mode_hdi, .width = 0.95, fill = "skyblue") +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 1, size = 1, colour = "red")+
        ylab("Probability Density") +
        xlab(expression(beta)) +
        labs(title =paste("Posterior densities of", expression(beta), "estimates with 95% HDI")) +
        theme_cowplot() +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0,0.05))) +
        theme(strip.background = element_blank()) +
        facet_wrap(~cat, scales = "free") 

# Plot prior and posterior densities with ROPE
bf1$Parameter[2:16] <- cnames 

pl <- plot(bf1, stack = TRUE)
pl + xlim(c(-15,15)) +
     labs(title = 'Bayes factor analysis - priors, posteriors and ROPE') +

# Make a summary table --------------------------------------------------------
bnames <- cbind(c("Intercept","Group", "3 Hour", "1 Day", "3 Day", "1 Week", "2 Week", "4 Week", "6 Week", 
                  "Group x 3 Hour", "Group x 1 Day", "Group x 3 Day", "Group x 1 Week", "Group x 2 Week", 
                  "Group x 4 Week", "Group x 6 Week"))
s <- summary(model1)
s <- data.frame(s$fixed) %>%
     mutate(BF = bf1$BF) %>%
     mutate(`Interpretation for null` = effectsize::interpret_bf((1/bf1$BF), include_value = FALSE)) %>%
     mutate(Bulk_ESS = NULL) %>%
     mutate(Tail_ESS = NULL) %>%
     mutate(Est.Error = NULL) %>%
     mutate(Rhat = NULL) %>% 
     mutate(Effect = bnames) %>%
     select(Effect,Estimate, l.95..CI, u.95..CI, BF, `Interpretation for null`) %>%
     slice(2:16) %>%
     print(digits = 5, row.names = FALSE)
##          Effect  Estimate l.95..CI u.95..CI         BF
##           Group   0.99595  -3.6908   5.6345 2.0576e-01
##          3 Hour  -7.26421 -10.9192  -3.6165 1.3593e+02
##           1 Day -10.49908 -14.1664  -6.8351 1.1410e+04
##           3 Day -10.21882 -13.9212  -6.5795 1.4371e+04
##          1 Week  -9.06840 -12.6804  -5.4141 2.7011e+03
##          2 Week  -6.75261 -10.4306  -3.0864 7.0516e+01
##          4 Week  -6.08762  -9.7292  -2.4554 3.2351e+01
##          6 Week  -6.96040 -10.6350  -3.2728 9.7653e+01
##  Group x 3 Hour   1.92228  -2.7164   6.5664 2.7815e-01
##   Group x 1 Day  -3.45865  -8.1963   1.1647 6.3018e-01
##   Group x 3 Day  -2.22364  -6.8506   2.3915 3.1895e-01
##  Group x 1 Week   0.20670  -4.5229   4.8378 1.8530e-01
##  Group x 2 Week  -0.57386  -5.3054   4.0811 1.9068e-01
##  Group x 4 Week  -1.05211  -5.7269   3.6005 2.1028e-01
##  Group x 6 Week  -1.28786  -5.9921   3.3972 2.2724e-01
##          Interpretation for null
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##         extreme evidence against
##         extreme evidence against
##         extreme evidence against
##         extreme evidence against
##     very strong evidence against
##     very strong evidence against
##     very strong evidence against
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##  anecdotal evidence in favour of
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##   moderate evidence in favour of
##   moderate evidence in favour of
write.table(s, "Dress_Bayes.txt")   


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Sumner, R. L., R. McMillan, M. J. Spriggs, D. Campbell, G. Malpas, E. Maxwell, C. Deng, et al. 2020. “Ketamine Enhances Visual Sensory Evoked Potential Long-Term Potentiation in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.” Journal Article. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 5 (1): 45–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2019.07.002.