1 exp Infant, Premature/ 2 (prematur* adj2 infant*).tw. 3 (prematur* adj2 newborn*).tw. 4 (prematur* adj2 neonate*).tw. 5 preterm.tw. ) 6 low birth weight.tw. 7 exp Infant, Low Birth Weight/ 8 low birthweight.tw. 9 VLBW.tw. 10 LBW.tw. 11 ELBW.tw. 12 small for gestation*.tw. 13 exp Infant, Small for Gestational Age/ 14 SGA.tw. 15 exp Infant, Very Low Birth Weight/ 16 (less than adj6 g).tw. 17 exp Premature Birth/ 18 (less than adj3 2kg).tw. 19 (less than adj3 32 weeks).tw. 20 birth weight below.tw. 21 (gestation* adj2 less than).tw. 22 or/1-21 23 exp Breast Feeding/ or exp Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/ 24 dietary proteins/ or exp dietary supplements/ 25 exp Fatty Acids, Omega-3/tu [Therapeutic Use] 26 Arachidonic Acid/tu [Therapeutic Use] 27 Fatty Acids, Unsaturated/tu [Therapeutic Use] 28 Dietary Fats/ad, tu [Administration & Dosage, Therapeutic Use] 29 enteral nutrition/ or parenteral nutrition/ 30 exp Infant Formula/ or exp Milk, Human/ 31 exp Food, Fortified/ 32 exp food, formulated/ 33 exp Infant Food/ 34 (breast milk or human milk).tw. 35 formula.tw. 36 PUFA supplement*.tw. 37 feed* regimen*.tw. 38 (protein* adj2 concentration*).tw. 39 probiotic$.tw. 40 parenteral*.tw. 41 enteral*.tw. 42 maternal milk.tw. 43 multinutrient supplement*.tw. 44 (breast fed or breastfed).tw. 45 prebiotic*.tw. 46 diet* supplement*.tw. 47 nutrient enriched.tw. 48 Docosahexaenoic Acid*.tw. 49 arachidonic acid*.tw. 50 (glutamine adj2 supplement*).tw. 51 (taurine adj2 supplement*).tw. 52 (calcium adj2 supplement*).tw. 53 palm olein.tw. 54 palmitic.tw. 55 palmitic acid.tw. 56 (fortification or fortified).tw. 57 fatty acids.tw. 58 supplement* feed*.tw. 59 complementary feed*.tw. 60 nutrition*.tw. 61 Hydrolysed liquid.tw. 62 Hydrolyzed liquid.tw. 63 gamma-linoleic acid.tw. 64 (diet* adj3 protein*).tw. 65 or/23-64 66 randomized controlled trial.pt. 67 controlled clinical trial.pt. 68 randomized.ab. 69 randomised.ab. 70 placebo.tw. 71 clinical trials as topic.sh. 72 randomly.ab. 73 trial.ti. 74 (crossover or cross-over or cross over).tw. 75 or/66-74 76 22 and 65 and 75