The University of Auckland

Privileging Mātauranga Māori in Nursing Education: Experiences of Māori student nurses learning within an indigenous university.

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Version 2 2021-08-05, 19:49
Version 1 2021-08-05, 19:47
posted on 2021-08-05, 19:49 authored by Nadine Gray
This study aimed to explore how privileging mātauranga Māori and strengthening cultural identity in a wānanga undergraduate nursing programme contributes to the educational outcomes of Māori students. The research objective of the study was to generate insight into factors that support Māori student engagement, retention and success in nursing education.
A total of 12 full-time Māori undergraduate nursing students were interviewed. Five themes were generated from the data that influenced Māori student engagement: succeeding for whānau, privileging mātauranga Māori in the learning space, dual competence supporting ethnic concordance, whanaungatanga, and threats to success. Students reported factors that positively enhanced their educational experiences as: the culturally responsive environment that affirms cultural identity, the advantages of the geographical location, the provision of high-quality academic and pastoral support, and the adaptive teaching and learning approaches that enhanced learner success. Factors that challenged success included academic preparation for bachelor-level study; the recruitment of Māori nursing academics; exposure to negative attitudes, racism and stigma associated with being in a Māori nursing programme; whānau commitments; and financial hardship.



University of Auckland

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