The University of Auckland

Software for "Spatial dependence of dynamic nonlinear rock weakening at the Alpine Fault, New Zealand"

posted on 2021-04-13, 02:01 authored by Jonathan SimpsonJonathan Simpson
All the scripts used for the analysis and plotting of the data in the manuscript "Spatial dependence of dynamic nonlinear rock weakening at the Alpine Fault, New Zealand" are included here. The code is written in Python, and was run on a desktop computer with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. This code should work standalone, provided the necessary Python libraries are installed. All the data used in the analysis is available in the other figshare entry in this collection.

Much of this software relies on the Python PlaceScan package, available at PlaceScan is a required package for running this code. All experimental data was acquired with PLACE, the lab automation software (see



University of Auckland