This item contains the software used for analysis, modeling, and visualization of the Alpine Fault laser ultrasonics data, as presented in the manuscript "Constraining microfractures in foliated Alpine Fault rocks with laser ultrasonics". This software can be used to reproduce the results and figures presented in the manuscript when combined with the laser ultrasonics data of the five rock samples in this repository.
The script performs calculations with the sample physical properties and P-wave arrival times to calculate the values stored in the rp_data.p files. This script relies on the alpine_fault_rock_data.csv file. The other three Python scripts reproduce the figures presented in the manuscript and supporting information.
The file contains all the input data, software, and modeling scripts to run the differential effective medium (DEM) modeling. Elastic stiffness matrices estimated from EBSD data and modeled in the MTEX software are included, as are individual modeling scripts for each of the four samples. Refer to the details of the README.txt file in this archive to install and run the DEM software.
To run the Python scripts, an installation of Python scientific libraries is required (e.g. Anaconda). Also, the scripts rely heavily on the PlaceScan library to handle the raw experimental data. See for download and installation instructions.
The DEM code has been adapted from the code written by Eunyoung Kim, as presented in "GassDem: A MATLAB program for modeling the anisotropic seismic
properties of porous medium using differential effective medium theory
and Gassmann’s poroelastic relationship" (2019), Computers and
Geosciences. Please see for details.
This software has been tested and successfully run on an installation of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Changes may be required to run the software on other operating systems.