The University of Auckland

Now We Are 12: School Engagement of the Growing Up in New Zealand Cohort. Snapshot 5

The New Zealand Government is committed to supporting all young people to reach their learning potential. Understanding how young people engage in school and identifying who is at risk of lowered school engagement is vital for establishing pathways that support ākonga (student/s) and ensuring equity in educational outcomes. Engaged learners are, on average, more regularly involved in school and learning activities, have a deeper sense of school connectedness, and have better achievement outcomes.

This report examines the factors associated with school engagement for 12-year-olds taking part in the Growing Up in New Zealand study and highlights four priority recommendations for policy and practice based on these findings.

The supplementary document included in this file contains information on the definitions and derivation of scores as well as additional information on the multiple regression model used in the main report.


Crown funding managed by the Ministry of Social Development



Growing Up in New Zealand: University of Auckland

Spatial coverage

New Zealand

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


Data Collection Wave

DCW 12 (12-year)