The University of Auckland

Integrating Academic Literacy Support into the Curriculum

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Version 2 2021-10-19, 08:35
Version 1 2021-10-19, 08:17
posted on 2021-10-19, 08:35 authored by Jenny Mendieta AguilarJenny Mendieta Aguilar, Rachel ChidlowRachel Chidlow, Dahlia HanDahlia Han, Tricia BinghamTricia Bingham, Sandy LinSandy Lin, Liz HardleyLiz Hardley, Lin Lin
The study was conducted with ethics approval from UAHPEC (Ref. 020322), sought to identify student and staff perceptions of the usefulness of the resource for the completion of the in-course assignment and its possible impact on the development of research and academic writing skills. Data was collected through pre and post student and teaching staff surveys, weekly student reflective journals, and an informal interview with the course co-ordinator and one of the lecturers. Learning Analytics data from the CourseBuilder site was also collated and analysed.



University of Auckland

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