The University of Auckland

Healthier Lives National Science Challenge: Policy Inventory

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Version 2 2022-03-31, 02:26
Version 1 2022-03-17, 01:29
posted on 2022-03-31, 02:26 authored by Jennifer CurtinJennifer Curtin, Lara GreavesLara Greaves, Cameron LeakeyCameron Leakey

This report represents a ‘landscape’ of government health policy documents in Aotearoa New Zealand specific to the interests of the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge (HLNSC). After an environmental scan of 48 government outputs, we focused in on 15 based on their direct relevance to the work of Healthier Lives. The criteria for selection can be found preceding the inventory. In this report we provide a summary table and text of each of the listed policies, outlining in each the priorities and strategic goals outlined by the Ministry of Health and any potential gaps in the policy coverage.


Healthier Lives National Science Challenge



University of Auckland Public Policy Institute