The University of Auckland

2021 Centre for eResearch Annual Report

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Version 2 2022-03-03, 00:52
Version 1 2022-03-03, 00:31
posted on 2022-03-03, 00:52 authored by Mark GaheganMark Gahegan, Marcus GustafssonMarcus Gustafsson, Laura ArmstrongLaura Armstrong, Yvette WhartonYvette Wharton, Martin FellerMartin Feller, Cameron McLeanCameron McLean, Jenny Lee RoperJenny Lee Roper
In 2021 the Centre for eResearch helped over 2,650 researchers, working on over 1,300 research projects. This is an increase of 540 researchers (up 25%) and 279 projects (up 26%) over 2020. A major highlight of 2021 was the Research Data Maturity work that CeR and ORSI-led across the University, interviewing and surveying hundreds of researchers to gain deep insights into their research data needs, practices, frustrations and opportunities.



University of Auckland

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