Focusing on what you value: A considered approach to assessing ePortfolios
This is a presentation given at the University of Hong Kong to the CETL group in 2016. In it I quickly outline the purported advantages of ePortfolios and address the problems of assessing ePortfolio work. I give the example of the Advanced Placement Studio Art examination as a model of good assessment. I report work done by now Dr. David San Jose under my supervision on technology systems used for ePortfolios, in which I conclude that the systems do not have much help for assessment itself. I conclude that almost all eportfolio technology is equivalent, so give students choice to concentrate on curricular goals and that assessment has not been solved in eportfolios, so users need to consult the literature on judgment grading or marking,
Recommended citation:
Brown, G. T. L. (2016, July). Focusing on what you value: A considered approach to assessing ePortfolios. Presentation in the ‘Assessing with ePortfolios’ seminar at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Hong Kong.