The University of Auckland
Chidlow-Rachel_WhatsInAName_RSCD22.mp4 (192.98 MB)
RSCD 2022 presentation RChidlow HBusby.pptx (123.85 MB)
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What's in a name? A Te Ao Māori approach to renaming the research management system used by Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland

posted on 2022-01-25, 03:41 authored by Rachel ChidlowRachel Chidlow, Hine Rangi BusbyHine Rangi Busby
This lightning talk was delivered at the Research Support Community Day 2022 conference, held online from Tuesday February 1 to Thursday February 3 2022.

The University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau, uses Symplectic Elements as our research management system. Elements has been branded as "Research Outputs" and researchers are instructed to upload their research outputs (lower case) into Research Outputs (upper case) - confusing right? 2022 will see considerable change to Research Outputs for Waipapa Taumata Rau, with a significant upgrade and implementation of the Discovery and Research Funding Solution Modules.

The timing is right for a new name for Research Outputs. A name that better reflects what Research Outputs does and can be used for. A name that speaks to the University's Language Plan for the Revitalisation of te Reo Māori: Te taonga nō tua whakarere, he taonga mo āpōpō: A treasure from ancient times, and for tomorrow. A name that honours the University's commitment to Te Tiriti and tangata whenua, an essential part of the University's distinctiveness, and a key component of the University's new Vision 2030 and Strategic Plan 2025, Taumata Teitei.

So what's in a name? And more importantly how do you go about creating one? This lightning talk will explore the process and journey of enlightenment that lead to the gifting of 'Te Waka Huia Rangahau' as the new Te Reo name for Research Outputs.

Attached are the powerpoint slides with full notes and a pre-recorded version of the presentation with me delivering the presentation.



University of Auckland