This narrative centres on a two and a half year collaborative kaupapa that has resulted in the 2019 formation of a trust-Te Kaupapa Mahitahi Hauora-Papa o Te Raki Trust. The mission of the Trust is to forge a new future for primary healthcare in Northland through a partnership between existing primary health organisations, the Northland District Health Board, Iwi, clinicians and communities, with the aim
to empower whanau, patient and community-led health and wellbeing decision making, processes and outcomes. This collaborative kaupapa represents a groundbreaking health initiative in its scope, purpose, inclusion and process. Such cross system, paradigm-breaking initiatives are rare. This case narrative aims to make the core elements of such a venture visible - to those involved in the Collaboration
Kaupapa Initiative itself, those in the health system more generally, those involved in delivery of health services in Northland, and all others aspiring to such goals.