The University of Auckland

He Oranga Hou: Social cohesion in a post-COVID world

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posted on 2020-05-14, 22:04 authored by Paul Spoonley, Peter GluckmanPeter Gluckman, Anne BardsleyAnne Bardsley, Tracey McIntoshTracey McIntosh, Rangimarie Hunia, Sarb Johal, Richie Poulton
The second discussion paper of the Koi Tū: The Future is Now Series, titled He Oranga Hou: Social cohesion in a post-COVID world, examines the critical issue of how New Zealand’s strong national unity during lockdown will become increasingly tested as economic consequences are more and more acutely felt. In mapping out the paths to return to the ‘new normal’, how do we ensure that social cohesion is maintained?



University of Auckland