The University of Auckland
01_Final_Foundation knowledge_BCT, SC_R1.mp4 (84.46 MB)
02_Final_DApp Demo with Audio.mp4 (122.56 MB)
2 files

Blockchain technology and blockchain-based information systems foundational knowledge for interviewees

Version 2 2022-01-31, 22:15
Version 1 2022-01-31, 22:10
online resource
posted on 2022-01-31, 22:15 authored by Abhinaw Sai Erri PradeepAbhinaw Sai Erri Pradeep
The research investigates the user acceptance of blockchain-based information systems (BBIS) and develops a theoretical technology acceptance model for predicting the technology uptake. Interviews were conducted with industry practitioners to understand the cause-and-effect nature of the determinants that affect the user acceptance of BBIS. The participants were prepared for the interviews with background information on the technology and its application via two five-minute videos played during the interview that were made specifically for the study.



University of Auckland