Natalie Schiller: Senses of Selves 2022
My artistic research practice elaborates on the question 'what might my hips uncover, when entangled with notions of domesticity, through my choreographic practice?' The uploaded image is an output of my current practice and part of a conceived video performance in relation to my inquiry. I titled the image 'Senses of Selves' highlighting the multiplicity, complexity, and extension of my identities relevant within this research context. The attached image visualises the possibility of creating assemblages and highlighting their potential, which are becoming and ceasing in the same moment, as well as making connections between seemingly unrelated notions by cutting them together-apart in one move (diffracting diffraction). These ideas are in conversation with posthuman and new materialist philosophies by Rosie Braidotti (2019) and Karen Barad (2014).
This image was uploaded for the SGS Research Showcase 2022.
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