The University of Auckland

Research Community Consultation Guide

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Version 2 2019-06-12, 03:56
Version 1 2019-06-10, 03:24
journal contribution
posted on 2019-06-12, 03:56 authored by Nooriyan PoonawalaNooriyan Poonawala, Jun HuhJun Huh, Nick JonesNick Jones, Georgina RaeGeorgina Rae

What are the opportunities and challenges around advanced computing for NZ's research communities 5 to 7 years in the future?

NeSI has reached out to various research leaders in New Zealand for the answer to this question.

This document offers guidance on carrying out a research community consultation. It is based on consultation activities New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) conducted in 2018. These consultations were typically 1 hour long interviews with individual research leaders in New Zealand, documenting their thoughts on advanced research computing drivers and needs in 5 to 7 years time.

Structured interviews were done with 27 research leaders from various institutions. The following 6 topics were the focus of the interviews, taking a view of the situation in 5 to 7 years time:

* Research context and drivers: What will be the main drivers that influence research?
* Research priorities: What sort of problems will you be solving?
* Collaboration: What kind of collaboration will be needed and to what extent?
* Research capabilities: What will be the skills and capabilities needed to achieve your research goals?
* Adoption of advanced research computing: What kind and how much of advanced research computing will be needed?
* Support for the development of key capabilities: What kind of support will be needed?


New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) enables researchers across a wide range of communities and disciplines to tackle large or highly complicated problems and to investigate scientific challenges that were previously impossible. NeSI makes approaching these problems easier for researchers through offering a specialised platform of computational and analytics software and services powered by supercomputers, and placing a strong emphasis on support and training alongside the raw power of its technology platform. NeSI is a collaboration of the University of Auckland, the University of Otago, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, NIWA, and MBIE.


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