Early investment: A key to reversing intergenerational disadvantage and inequity in Aotearoa New Zealand [Summary]
This document is a summary of the key messages from the evidence brief Early investment: A key to reversing intergenerational disadvantage and inequity in Aotearoa New Zealand, authored by Dr Felicia Low, head of the Knowledge Hub for Maternal and Child Health at Koi Tū and Dr Johan Morreau, a retired general and community paediatrician and former chief medical advisor at Lakes District Health Board.
With 30 percent of Aotearoa New Zealand children not having their basic needs met Koi Tū is calling for the country’s investment in the earliest life stages to be stepped up and well implemented. Increased spending on health, upskilling and social support for parents and families over the first 2000 days, starting from conception and continuing through pregnancy and childhood, would be one of the most cost-effective interventions possible.
University of AucklandContact
f.low@auckland.ac.nzUsage metrics
- Infant and child health
- Psychosocial aspects of childbirth and perinatal mental health
- Child and adolescent development
- Community child health
- Te hauora me te oranga ā-whaea, ā-pēpi o te Māori (Māori mothers and babies health and wellbeing)
- Pacific Peoples mothers and babies health and wellbeing
- Health systems
- Health equity
- Health policy
- Social determinants of health
- Mental health services
- Education policy