The University of Auckland

Turbulence statistics for an unsteady lock-exchange gravity current during the slumping phase.

Dataset of a lock-exchange gravity current propagating over a mild slope for the computation of turbulence statistics.

Data available at t =12.5 s after start of the computation (tadim = 29.1). The data are saved in the range -0.58 m < x < 2.895 m in the x-direction which encompasses the whole length of the current at this time step.

. List of files:

- data_t291_vtk.tar.gz

-> Contains the 200 simulation results at tadim = 29.1 used for the statistics calculation. The data are in dimensional form

- fields_turbulence_statistics_ensembleAveraging_t29.1

-> Corresponding ensemble- and spanwise-averaged statistics

. Scaling quantities for non-dimensionalisation:

- Velocity: ub = 0.349 m/s

- Length: H/2 = 0.15 m

- Time: t0 = (H/2)/ub = 0.43 s

. Initial computational domain size:

- Lock length: Lx.lock = 0.58 m

- Channel length: Lx,channel = 5 m

- Domain height: H = 0.3 m

- Domain width: Lz = 0.4 m

- Inclination: tan(a) = 2%

. Physical conditions:

- density light fluid: rho0 = 997.3 kg/m3

- density dense fluid: rho1 = 1080 kg/m3

- kinematic viscosity: nu = 8.7327 10-7 m2/s

- density diffusivity: kappa = 8.7327 10-7 m2/s

- gravity vector: g = 9.81 m/s2

- Reynolds number: Reb = ub(H/2)/nu = 60 000

- Schmidt number: Sc = nu/kappa = 1

. Grid resolution

- Uniform mesh spacing: delta = 0.0054 m

- first vertical mesh spacing at bottom wall dy1 = 0.0002 m

. Initial conditions:

- -0.45 < ui/ub < 0.45 and m = 1 for x < 0

. Boundary conditions

- Bottom: no slip wall

- side walls: symmetry

- Front, back and top walls: slip walls



University of Auckland