The University of Auckland

Supplementary data 5. Autoimmune protein-protein interaction network (Ai-PPIN) data

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Version 2 2021-03-24, 05:26
Version 1 2021-03-24, 05:24
posted on 2021-03-24, 05:26 authored by Sreemol GokuladhasSreemol Gokuladhas, William SchierdingWilliam Schierding, Evgeniia GolovinaEvgeniia Golovina, Tayaza FadasonTayaza Fadason, Justin O'SullivanJustin O'Sullivan
The PPI network was constructed using the genes that are regulated by the SNPs associated with 18 AiDs. STRING PPI data was used for building the network. The list of proteins present in the Ai-PPIN and the edgelist of the network is provided here.



University of Auckland