The University of Auckland

Supplementary Table 6. Gene ontology analysis of the eGenes shared between GS and MG, and GS and MS.

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Version 2 2019-09-10, 21:27
Version 1 2019-09-10, 02:56
posted on 2019-09-10, 21:27 authored by Sreemol GokuladhasSreemol Gokuladhas, William SchierdingWilliam Schierding, David Cameron-SmithDavid Cameron-Smith, Melissa WakeMelissa Wake, Emma ScotterEmma Scotter, Justin O'SullivanJustin O'Sullivan
Results from the gene ontology analysis of 25 eGenes shared between GS and MG and 69 eGenes shared between GS and MS from the immortalized cell line Hi-C dataset. In both analysis, we identified that the eGenes are highly involved in immune system related processes.



University of Auckland