The University of Auckland
NZ SCoA-VI.amw (84.66 kB)
NZ SCoA-VI.sav (66.83 kB)
2 files

SCoA-VI Data Files

posted on 2017-02-20, 02:54 authored by Gavin T. L. BrownGavin T. L. Brown
The SPSS data file containing the data information collected from the SCoA-VI questionnaire administered in 2007.  

The AMOS data file is the confirmatory factor analysis input for the SCoA-IV data set. 

Version 5 and version 6 inventory are identical items, however, they have different analytic models.

Results were published in:

Brown, G. T. L., Peterson, E. R., & Irving, S. E. (2009).  Beliefs that make a difference: Adaptive and maladaptive self-regulation in students’ conceptions of assessment. In D. M. McInerney, G. T. L. Brown, & G. A. D. Liem (Eds.), Student Perspectives on Assessment: What Students can Tell us about Assessment for Learning (pp. 159-186). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

AlQassab, M. (2012). Differential item functioning according to subject motivation: Psychometric properties of the Student Conceptions of Assessment (unpublished master's thesis), The University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ.  


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The University of Auckland

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