The University of Auckland

Population Cartogram for District Health Boards of New Zealand

posted on 2017-10-29, 20:14 authored by Jinfeng ZhaoJinfeng Zhao, Rodney JacksonRodney Jackson, Daniel ExeterDaniel Exeter

The fileset containing a Readme.pdf file, a population cartogram shapefile, and a Chatham Islands reference frame shape file. The cartogram is at the District Health Board (DHB) level. It was designed to represent social and health information with the size of each DHB proportionate to its 2013 census population. This makes DHBs with densely populated urban areas more visible.

This read me file describes how to use the population cartogram. It also provides citation and contribution information and the contact details of the author.


Health Research Council of New Zealand (11/800)


Publisher (e.g. University of Auckland)

University of Auckland

Contact email

Spatial coverage (e.g. Kermadec Island)

New Zealand land mass

Temporal coverage [yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy/mm/dd]
