The University of Auckland

Poi and Tai Chi research: cognitive data

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posted on 2018-03-08, 04:15 authored by Kate Riegle-Van WestKate Riegle-Van West
Cognitive data from the poi and Tai Chi study. All measures are from CNS Vital Signs Computerized Neurocognitive Assessment Software.

composite memory (CMEM)
verbal memory (VERMEM)
visual memory (VISMEM)
psychomotor speed (PSYSPD)
reaction time (RT)
cognitive flexibility (COGFLEX)
processing speed (PROCSPD)
executive function (EXECF)
motor speed (MOTSPD)
complex attention (COMPAT)
simple attention (SIMAT)
neuro cognitive index (NCI)

Time points
1 = one month before intervention
2 = immediately before intervention
3 = immediately after one month intervention
4 = immediately after two month intervention
5 = one month post intervention



University of Auckland