The University of Auckland
3 files

HVN1926 Metadata Record - Roadmap for novel foods containing plants and plant extracts endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand

Version 4 2022-08-24, 00:24
Version 3 2022-08-10, 00:58
Version 2 2022-08-09, 23:26
Version 1 2022-07-27, 02:18
posted on 2022-08-24, 00:24 authored by Michelle Cubitt, Ali Rashidinejad

This metadata record and it's attached files make statements about the kinds of data collected as part of this research, and set out policies for governance of that data, now and in the future.

Project Description:

Project to create overview of novel food regulatory environment for key markets of interest to NZ Food and Beverage sector, defining how requirements under novel food legal frameworks impact new product development and export opportunities, including case studies of native plants.



High-value Nutrition, Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

All data is housed in the associated documents linked to this catalog entry and are publicly available.

Principal investigator organisation

Smart Regulatory Solutions, Riddet Institute

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Donnell Alexander (Ministry for Primary Industries), Karen Lau (Ministry for Primary Industries)

Data description

In this collection: HVN Novel Foods Navigation Tool.pdf, Novel Food Navigation Tool Supplementary Information.pdf

Principal investigator contact email,