The University of Auckland

L44 mouse bodyweight, blood glucose and serum hormone data

Version 3 2019-10-10, 20:23
Version 2 2019-09-04, 04:00
Version 1 2019-06-18, 22:35
posted on 2019-10-10, 20:23 authored by Tina NieTina Nie, Shaoping ZhangShaoping Zhang, Greeshma Vazhoor AmarsinghGreeshma Vazhoor Amarsingh, Hong LiuHong Liu, Garth CooperGarth Cooper

Blood glucose, body weight and serum hormone characterisation of the L44 mouse, a model of obesity and type 2 diabetes, over 400 days.

L44 mice overexpress a nonamyloidogenic and noncytotoxic variant of human amylin that contains three proline substitutions at residues 25, 28 and 29 ([25, 28, 29triprolyl]human amylin or tripro-hA). This allows for the study of the chronic effects of amylin overexpression.

L44 mice were studied for a period of 400 days, with weekly blood glucose and body weight measurements. Three genotypes were examined; hemizygous (HEM), homozygous (HOM) and nontransgenic littermates (NON). Tissue and serum sample collection occurred at three time points:

T1: 100 days

T2: diabetes onset (3 consecutive weekly measurements of blood glucose > 11 mM)

T3: 400 days

Here, we provide weekly blood glucose and body weight measurements, and the circulating serum hormone levels of amylin, insulin and leptin at each time point.


BG = blood glucose (mM)

BW = body weight (g)

Sample IDs with a / are pooled serum samples from two individuals, e.g., T1 HEM 1/2 is a pooled sample with an equal volume of serum from T1 HEM 1 and T1 HEM 2.


Endocore Research Fund

Maurice & Phyllis Paykel Medical Research Fund

NZ Lotteries Commission (Lottery Health)

University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship

Endeavour Fund Research Programme Grant (Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment New Zealand)



University of Auckland