The University of Auckland

ISSP2018: Religion IV

The fifth International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) survey by COMPASS Research Centre at the University of Auckland. More information on our surveys, including data visualisations, can be found at International Social Survey Programme - The University of Auckland.

A verbose rundown on topics covered follows.

Attitudes towards religious practices. Assessment of personal happiness. Attitudes towards extramarital sex; attitudes towards homosexual relationships between adults; attitudes towards abortion in case of low family income; attitudes towards gender roles in marriage.

Trust in institutions (government, business and industry, churches and religious organisations, courts and the legal system, schools and the educational system). Attitudes towards the influence of religious leaders on voters and government; attitudes towards the benefits of science and religion.

Judgment on the power of churches and religious organisations; acceptance of persons from a different religion or with different religious views in case of marrying a relative.

Attitudes towards religious extremists holding public meetings and publishing their views on the internet. Doubt or firm belief in God; belief in: life after death, heaven, hell, religious miracles, reincarnation, nirvana, supernatural powers of deceased ancestors. Attitudes towards a "higher truth" and a meaning to life.

Religion of mother and father while growing up, and religion raised in; frequency of church attendance of father and mother and of respondent when young. Frequency of praying; have you listened to or read any holy scripture in the last 12 months? Presence of a shrine, altar, or other religious object in respondent’s home.

Self-classification of personal religiosity and spirituality; attitudes towards benefits of practising a religion. Attitudes towards religion and sexual equality; attitudes towards government interference with religion and religious mixing, and whether religion is a concept of the past.

General trustworthiness of people, and specific attitudes towards people of different religions, plus whether they are perceived as threatening or not. Participation in alternative spiritual practices; attitudes towards astrological practices; whether ever experienced a "born again" moment in life, attitudes towards the bible, and religious principles versus the law.

Demography: sex; age; marital status; steady life partner; years of schooling; highest education level; current employment status (respondent and partner); hours worked weekly; occupation (ANZSCO) (respondent and partner); supervising function at work; working for private or public sector or self-employed (respondent and partner); if self-employed, number of employees; trade union membership; earnings of respondent and whole household; number of adults, children, and pre-school aged children in household; political party affiliation (left-right) and vote in 2017 general election; religion and denomination for Christian; attendance of religious services; self-placement on a top-bottom scale of society; type of area lived in; country of birth for mother, father, and respondent, and ethnic identification of respondent.



We stratified by sex, age group, and a proxy for ethnicity, as described in the methods report.


People on the electoral rolls, so aged 18 or over, and at least a New Zealand Permanent Resident.

Data Collector

COMPASS Research Centre, the University of Auckland

Mode of Collection

Mail survey, with the option to complete online via Qualtrics. A total of 5,700 were selected.


A survey weight is provided, to make respondent pool representative of the original sample.

Series Information

The ISSP is an annual cross-national collaboration on surveys in the social sciences.


University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end
