ISSP2013: National Identity III
The first International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) survey by COMPASS Research Centre at the University of Auckland, with funding support from its Business School. Three years after Professor Philip Gendall retired from contributing to the international programme, COMPASS worked to carry on this fine tradition, branding it locally as the Social Attitudes Survey New Zealand.
Questions on national consciousness and national identity. Identification with town/city and nation; most important characteristics for national identity; perceived pride in the democracy of the country, the political influence of the country in the world, the economic achievement, the social security system, the scientific achievements, the achievements in sports, the achievements in arts or literature, the armed forces, the history and equal rights of all social groups in society.
Attitude to the right of international institutions to enforce solutions to be accepted nationally; attitude to enforcing national interests regardless of evoking conflicts with other countries; rejection of acquisition of land by foreigners in the country; preference for national films in national television stations; damage done by large international companies to the local business; attitude to free trade; attitude to follow the decisions of international organisations even if the local government does not agree with them; international organisations take away too much power from the country.
Availability of worldwide information as a benefit of the internet; importance of sharing national customs and traditions to achieve full nationality; attitude to government support of national minorities to preserve their customs and habits; preference for assimilation of minorities or retention of their identity; hostility to foreigners and prejudices against immigrants (scale); attitude to a reduction of immigration of foreigners; respondent’s citizenship; citizenship of parents at birth of respondent; same rights for citizens and legal immigrants; attitude towards stronger measures regarding illegal immigrants. Attitudes towards ethnic diversity in the workplace.
Demography: Sex; age; marital status; steady life-partner; years in school, current employment status; current employment status of spouse; hours worked weekly; occupation of respondent and spouse; respondent and spouse working for private, public sector or self-employed; supervisor function; union membership; household size; family income; respondent’s earnings; vote last election; religious denomination; frequency of church attendance; region; town size, rural or urban region; ethnicity. Additionally encoded: mode of data collection.