The University of Auckland

ISSP2009: Social Inequality IV

Version 6 2017-03-12, 23:15
Version 5 2016-08-16, 06:08
Version 4 2016-07-22, 05:58
Version 3 2016-04-12, 23:59
Version 2 2016-01-06, 03:27
Version 1 2015-06-19, 03:47
posted on 2017-03-12, 23:15 authored by Philip Gendall

The nineteenth of 20 years of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) surveys in New Zealand by Professor Philip Gendall, Department of Marketing, Massey University.

A verbose rundown on topics covered follows.

Attitudes towards social inequality. Social background and good relations as most important prerequisites for success in society; most important criteria for social mobility (scale: personal effort, intelligence or corruption); reasons for and acceptance of social inequality; Self-assessment of payment suitable for performance; estimation of actual and adequate monthly income for occupational groups; responsibility of government to reduce income differences; attitude to a progressive tax rate.

Assessment of the economic differences between poor and rich countries; attitude towards compensation by additional taxes in the wealthy countries (Redistribution); justification of better medical supply and better education for people with higher income; assumption of conflicts between social groups in the country; self-assessment on a top-bottom-scale and expectation of the individual level in 10 years; social mobility; criteria for the classification of payment for work (scale: responsibility, education, supervisor function, needed support for family and children or quality of job performance); feeling of a just payment.

Characterisation of the actual and the desired social system of the country, measured by classification on pyramid diagrams; Self-assessment of the respondent as well as classification of an unskilled factory worker and a chairman of a large corporation on a top-bottom-scale; number of books in the parental home in the respondent’s youth.

Demography: age; sex; living together with a partner; marital status; school education; denomination; occupation status; profession (ISCO code); occupation in the public sector; autonomy; working hours per week; net income of the respondent; supervisor function; occupation status, profession and supervisor function of the partner; household structure; family income; size of household; city size; region; own unemployment within the last few years and duration of this unemployment; religiousness; frequency of going to church; forms of the faith in God; Self-assessment of the social class; union membership; party preference; participation in elections; living situation and living status; in some countries: ethnic membership of the respondent.


Department of Marketing, Massey University



The sample was randomly selected from the 2009 New Zealand Electoral Rolls, with stratification by age: under 35, 35–54, 55 and over – 750 were randomly selected within each age group. The achieved sample is generally representative of the New Zealand population 18 years and over, but people under 30 are underrepresented in the sample, while those over 60 are overrepresented.

Data Collector

Department of Marketing, Massey University.

Mode of Collection

Mail survey: the questionnaire together with a covering letter was sent to the 2,250 selected participants on 29 July 2009. A reminder letter was sent to those that had not yet responded on 20 August, and a second reminder plus a second copy of the questionnaire were sent to those who had not responded on 28 September. A final reminder was sent to all remaining non-respondents on 23 October, and the survey was closed on 30 November, 18 weeks after the initial mailing.

Series Information

The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies. ISSP researchers especially concentrate on developing questions that are meaningful and relevant to all countries, and can be expressed in an equivalent manner in all relevant languages.

Publisher (e.g. University of Auckland)

Massey University

Contact email

Spatial coverage (e.g. Kermadec Island)

New Zealand (sampling from Electoral Rolls)

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