The University of Auckland

Hyperspectral imaging generated adulterated honey dataset

posted on 2022-02-07, 23:51 authored by Tessa PhillipsTessa Phillips, Waleed AbdullaWaleed Abdulla
This is a generated dataset of hyperspectral images of adulterated honey. The dataset was generated using a variational autoencoder and a latent space transform based on the ground truth honey adulteration data. The generated data utilises the larger dataset of botanical origins honey, and covers the same brands and classes of honey at each adulteration concentration (0%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%). This is a generated dataset, so is not strictly real ground-truth data, however the trends followed in the generated data are similar to the ground-truth adulteration. This dataset presents a reasonable approximation of a larger dataset of adulterated honey.



University of Auckland