The University of Auckland

HVN TATUA Metadata Record - Effects of a dairy protein (whey) hydrolysate on blood sugar, metabolic rate, gut and immune function after eating.

posted on 2023-11-22, 01:25 authored by Jennifer Miles-ChanJennifer Miles-Chan, Jia Jiet LimJia Jiet Lim

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Dairy components, especially whey protein, have been shown to help with glucose regulation after eating by enhancing insulin secretion, thereby preventing hyperglycaemia. Hydrolysing intact whey protein breaking down the intact protein into smaller peptide chains, some of which have bioactive effects, and have been hypothesised to further promote glucose regulation by lowering glucose excursion after a meal. Moreover, breaking down the intact protein can also make the whey protein more digestible and easily absorbed by the gut.However, the beneficial effect of hydrolysed whey protein on other aspects of postprandial metabolism has not been studied in detail. One novel component of this study is to assess the effect of hydrolysed whey protein on increasing energy expenditure after a meal, also referred to as diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). Increasing protein intake has long been known to increase DIT. The higher DIT may potentially increase fat oxidation, therefore beneficial for the prevention of weight gain. We are interested to find out whether the more easily absorbed hydrolysed whey protein can further increase energy expenditure. Further, the widespread consumption of proinflammatory higher carbohydrate and higher fat food predisposes people to weight gain and poor metabolic health. Additionally, the 'leakiness' within the gut may cause gut-derived endotoxin, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to diffuse into the systemic circulation, triggering an inflammatory response, which is also commonly seen in people with type-2 diabetes. Based on the current understanding from in vitro and in silico studies, whey protein and hydrolysed whey protein have potent antioxidant activity, which may potentially help with alleviating inflammation after eating. This study addresses these gaps and set out to test the efficacy of hydrolysed whey protein in helping to promote glucose regulation and increase energy expenditure, and to help maintain gut barrier function and lower inflammation after a meal.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

Only individual participant data underlying published results collected during the trial, after de-identification, may be shared.

Principal investigator organisation

University of Auckland

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigators: A/P Jennifer Miles-Chan, Human Nutrition Unit (HNU), School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland Dr Jia Jiet Lim, Human Nutrition Unit (HNU), School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland Dr Ivana Sequeira, Human Nutrition Unit (HNU), School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland Dr Shakeela Jayasinghe, Human Nutrition Unit (HNU), School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland Associate Investigators: Prof. Sally Poppitt (University of Auckland) Mr William Zhu (University of Auckland) Collaborators: Prof. Anthony Phillips (University of Auckland) Dr Olivier Gasser (Malaghan Institute of Medical Research)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data (Abbreviated) Primary Outcome: Blood glucose, collected at fasted baseline and at 10 timepoints during postprandial assessment. Associated data: Plasma glucose levels Secondary Outcomes: -Metabolic rate (postprandial thermogenesis; PPT) and respiratory quotient (an index of substrate utilisation) measured by indirect calorimetry -Blood biomarkers: insulin, C-peptide, lipid panel -Blood pressure and heart rate -Visual analogue scale (VAS) assessment of appetite (hunger, fullness, desire to eat, satisfaction, comfort, nausea) -Ad libitum consumption of standardised lunch meal -Plasma calcium -Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) and immune (pro inflammatory markers) Associated data: Indirect calorimetry data, Plasma peptides (insulin, C-Peptide, glucagon) Serum lipid profile, Blood pressure, Heart rate, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Questionnaire for appetite assessment, Serum calcium, Serum Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, Plasma cytokines, Serum hs-CRP Other outcomes -Antioxidant status -Whole blood and/or plasma glutathione -Plasma amino acids -Appetite and potential satiety-related peptides Associated data: Whole blood or plasma antioxidant status, Whole blood and/or plasma glutathione, Plasma amino acids, Plasma peptides (GIP, GLP-1)

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