The University of Auckland

HVN MultiProMo Metadata Record - Digestibility of High-Protein Drinks in Seniors

posted on 2024-04-10, 05:03 authored by Harjinder Singh

This metadata record and it's attached files make statements about the kinds of data collected as part of this research, and set out policies for governance of that data, now and in the future.

Description: The MultiProMo trial is a nutritional study to evaluate the influence of food digestibility on amino acid metabolism in healthy men aged 50-70. On each trial day, fasted participants consume one of three high-protein drinks and provide blood and urine samples over 5 hours. This is a cross-over study, so each participant consumes all three drinks on separate days. Levels of amino acids and digestion-related metabolic compounds are measured in blood and urine, in order to understand the release and supply of nutrients for support skeletal muscle synthesis and maintenance. Participants rate satiety and thirst in the period after drink consumption.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

Individual participant data will be unavailable

Principal investigator organisation

Riddet Institute (Massey University)

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principle Investigator Distprof Harjinder Singh, Director, Riddet Institute, Massey University Associate Investigators Dr Simon Loveday (Riddet Institute, Massey University) Dr Teresa Wegrzyn (Ridette Institute, Massey University) Dr Sharon Henare (Massey University)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data Primary Outcome: Identification of the kinetics of amino acid release on digestion during the 5 hours post-ingestion, based on the concentration of plasma amino acids in peripheral blood as a comparison to the comparator whey protein drink. Associated data: Plasma amino acid profile Secondary Outcomes: -Identification of differences in metabolite profile of urine metabolites between the three trial drinks -Determine and compare the satiating effect of the three drinks -Determine and compare the effect on thirst rating of the three drinks Associated data: Urine metabolite profile (NMR spectroscopy data), Visual Analogue Scale Questionnaire (Satiety), Visual Analogue Scale Questionnaire (Thirst)

Principal investigator contact email

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    High Value Nutrition, Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga



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