The University of Auckland

HVN Los aMiGos Metadata Record - Is LactOSe tolerance impacted by repeated exposure to A2 beta-casein MIlk, with effects on Gut COmfort Symptoms

posted on 2024-04-26, 04:15 authored by Matthew BarnettMatthew Barnett

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Description: Many people report digestive problems with dairy products. This dairy intolerance may sometimes be caused by lactose intolerance, but not all people reporting intolerance have confirmed lactose intolerance. Rather, some forms of dairy intolerance may be caused or exacerbated by the protein in milk which manifests as inflammation of the small intestine. Conventional milk contains the A1 version of bovine beta-casein protein. A1 beta-casein may cause intolerance type symptoms in some consumers, resulting in small intestinal inflammation that may also contribute to lactose intolerance. It is proposed that these effects are absent or reduced when dairy products free of this variant are consumed. The A2 version of beta-casein is broken down differently, and may not cause intolerance symptoms in consumers who are sensitive to the A1 beta-casein protein. However, the impacts of variation in beta-casein and intestinal inflammation on lactose malabsorption have not yet been investigated in humans. Due to the possible exacerbation of lactose malabsorption by intestinal inflammation, this study aims to understand whether tolerance to lactose is impacted by repeated exposure to variants of beta-casein.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


HVN Project / Programme Name

Los aMiGos

Data access requirements

Individual participant data will be unavailable.

Principal investigator organisation

AgResearch Ltd

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigator: Dr Matthew Barnett, AgResearch Ltd Associate Investigators: Prof David Cameron-Smith (University of Auckland, AgResearch Ltd) Dr Amber Milan (University of Auckland, AgResearch Ltd) Dr Li Day (AgResearch Ltd) Dr Karl Fraser (AgResearch Ltd)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data Primary Outcomes: - Mean change in breath hydrogen between the two intervention arms, pre and post lactose ingestion Associated data: Hydrogen breath test data Secondary Outcomes: -Analysis of digestive symptoms scores pre and post lactose ingestion -Comparison of gut inflammation (faecal markers) between the two milk products, baseline and post ingestion -Non targeted analysis of faecal metabolites between the two intervention arms, baseline and post ingestion -Changes in systemic inflammatory response between the two intervention arms, baseline and post ingestion -Differences in plasma glucose level, pre and post lactose ingestion -Differences in plasma amino acid profiles between the two intervention arms -Analysis of the gastrointestinal symptoms at baseline, start and end of intervention arm -Change in serum peptides between the two intervention arms -Analysis of the changes in faecal microbiome between the two intervention arms -Analysis of the change in miRNA between the two intervention arms, baseline and post intervention -Analysis of the bowel motions between the two interventions pre and post intervention -Analysis of the digestive symptoms baseline and post intervention -Analysis of the change in oxidative stress markers between the two intervention arms, baseline and post intervention Associated data: 10 cm Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Questionnaire, faecal calprotectin level, GC-MS data, protein cytokines (IL-6, CRP, TNF-a) and immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA and IGM) in serum and PBMCs, plasma glucose level, plasma amino acid profiles, Daily Live Gastrointestinal Symptom diary (3 day LGS), serum peptides (LC-MS data), faecal microbiome (DNA sequencing data), miRNA-sequencing data, Bristol Stool Scale Questionnaire, plasma oxidative stress markers (including glutathione and superoxide dismutase)

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