The University of Auckland
hvn-hrwp-pilot-metadata.json (21.8 kB)
hvn-hrwp-pilot-metadata.txt (13.89 kB)
2 files

HVN HRWP Pilot Metadata Record - The Healthy NZ Foods Pilot Study for Adults with Metabolic Syndrome

posted on 2024-04-10, 04:24 authored by Jeremy Krebs

This metadata record and it's attached files make statements about the kinds of data collected as part of this research, and set out policies for governance of that data, now and in the future.

Description: Funded by HVN, the investigators led the development and implementation of He Rourou Whai Painga, a long-term multi-centre dietary intervention study that will explore whether consumption of high quality New Zealand F&B products in an adapted Mediterranean-style dietary pattern improves metabolic, cardiovascular, and wellbeing profiles in people at risk of cardiometabolic disease. The current record describes a pilot study, including 29 index participants and 50 household/whānau members, that was used to finalise the study design, power calculations, and final methodology of the main intervention study, He Rourou Whai Painga.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

No individual participant data for this trial will be made available. Please contact the data champion for any data requests.

Principal investigator organisation

University of Otago

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigator: Professor Jeremy Krebs, Department of Medicine, University of Otago and Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Obesity Research (CEDOR), Wellington Collaborating Researchers: Associate Professor Fiona Lithander (University of Auckland) Dr Meika Foster (Edible Research Limited) Professor Richard Gearry (University of Otago) Professor Mark Weatherall (University of Otago) Dr Troy Merry (University of Auckland) Dr Andrea Braakhuis (University of Auckland) Dr Denise Conroy (Plant and Food Research) Dr Amber Parry-Strong (Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Endocrine Research) Dr Anna Rolleston (The Centre for Health) Dr Rajshri Roy (University of Auckland)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data Primary outcome: - The metabolic syndrome severity score (MetSSS) measured 12 weeks after randomisation. The Metabolic Severity Score is calculated using waist circumference, HDL cholesterol, fasting blood glucose and fasting lipids (HDL and triglycerides) from blood test and systolic blood presssure. Associated data: Composite metabolic syndrome severity score (MetSSS), waist circumference, fasting blood – HbA1c, lipids and glucose, blood pressure Secondary outcomes: - Recruitment rates and proportion of household/whānau agreeing to enrol - Anthropometric measures including waist circumference, weight, height and body mass index and body composition (bioimpedance) - Adherence to Mediterranean diet using 24h recall, including utility of distribution method and acceptability of diet - Kaupapapa Māori Wellbeing questionnaire (participants seen at Kokiri Marae) provided by The Centre for Health Tauranga and designed by Anna Rolleston Associated data: Participant recruitment rate per week, household/whānau recruitment rate, waist circumference, weight, body mass index (BMI), 24-hr food recalls, exit interviews to establish feasibility and acceptability of diet intervention, Kaupapa Māori Wellbeing Questionnaire

Principal investigator contact email