The University of Auckland

HVN FIBRE Metadata Record - The effect of increased fibre intake on HbA1c and peripheral immune cells in diabetes

posted on 2023-11-22, 01:17 authored by Olivier Gasser, Rosemary M. Hall

This metadata record and it's attached files make statements about the kinds of data collected as part of this research, and set out policies for governance of that data, now and in the future.

Description: Increased dietary fibre and the subsequent production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) by gut microbiota is known to influence immune cell function and metabolic activity. High fibre diets correlate to decreased inflammatory markers in T2DM, and in animal experiments dietary fibre derived SCFA have been found to reduce inflammatory markers and protect against diabetic neuropathies. Furthermore modulation of immune cell metabolism by SCFA can lead to a rebalancing away from pro-inflammatory phenotypes. We hypothesise that in addition to improving clinical indicators such as HbA1c, fibre supplementation will lead to altered peripheral immune cell metabolic and phenotypic parameters.

In this study, we will conduct analyses, to allow for functional immune profiling of trial participants, to provide insights on how enhanced fibre intake in T2DM impacts immunological metabolism and function. To do this we will isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) from trial participants before and during a dietary fibre intervention. We will use high dimensional spectral flow cytometry and extracellular flux analysis to profile functional phenotypes and metabolic characteristics of individual immune populations. We will compare these, to potential changes in blood plasma cytokine levels, faecal metabolite profiles and changes in clinical readouts (eg. HbA1c).



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

Individual participant data will be unavailable. At present this information is confidential due to possible commercial benefits.

Principal investigator organisation

Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, University of Otago

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigators:  Dr Olivier Gasser, Translational Immunology Group Leader, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research Wellington, New Zealand Dr Rosemary Hall, Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Endocrine Research, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand Associate Investigators: Dr David O-Sullivan, (Malaghan Institute of Medical Research) Dr Amber Parry Strong (Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Endocrine Research) Professor Dr Jeremy Krebs (Centre for Endocrine, Diabetes and Endocrine Research)

Data description

Outcomes of the study and associated data  Primary outcome -HbA1c at week 14 Associated data: Blood HbA1c Secondary outcomes - peripheral blood immune cell functional changes (relating to cytokine production, metabolic activity, cell surface marker and metabolic protein expression) - plasma cytokine levels - blood lipids - C-reactive protein - microbiome - metabolomic sampling - anthropometric measures Associated data: Blood glucose, insulin and lipids; Blood Immune markers (cytokine, Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PCMBs) flow cytometry analyses); Blood Metabolome; C-reactive protein (CRP) test; Faecal Metagenome – DNASeq; Faecal Metabolome; Anthropometric measurements (weight, waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure, body composition)

Principal investigator contact email