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Description: This study aimed to look at whether the complex lipids in beef are absorbed and stored by the body, and whether this has an effect on biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk. We compared diets including either (1) NZ grassfed Wagyu beef, (2) grain-fed commercial beef and (3) vegetable-based meat alternatives. Overweight/obese middle aged men with dyslipidaemia were included as they represent a major consumer group of red meat who are also at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. This study assessed cardiovascular and metabolic health before and after 8 weeks of a diet including red meat or meat alternatives. This was achieved by looking at blood and tissue levels of complex lipids, the impacts on cholesterol (amount and size) and overall metabolism, and the effects on the microbiome and its metabolic activity.
University of AucklandTemporal coverage: start
2016-01-01Temporal coverage: end
2019-01-01HVN Project / Programme Name
HVN Complex LipidsData access requirements
No information has been provided regarding individual participant data availability.Principal investigator organisation
AgResearch LtdCollaborating researchers and affiliations
Principal Investigator
-Dr Emma Bermingham (AgResearch Ltd)
-Professor David Cameron-Smith (University of Auckland)
-Dr Amber Milan (University of Auckland)
-Dr Cameron Cragie (AgResearch Ltd)
-Dr Karl Fraser (AgResearch Ltd)Data description
Outcomes of the Study and associated data
Primary outcomes
- Change in RBC long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated (PUFA) fat abundance from pre- to post-intervention
- Change in plasma long-chain omega-3 PUFA from pre- to post-intervetnion
Associated data: RBC long chain omega-3 PUFA, long-chain omega-3 PUFA
Secondary outcomes
-Change in fasting circulatory and RBC lipid composition
-Change in LDL particle size
-Change in gut microbiota composition
-Change in faecal metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids
-Change in circulating TMAO and related metabolite concentrations
-Change in fasting plasma markers of metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk (including glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c)
-Anthropometry measures (including blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, body composition)
-Change in fasting amino acids and metabolites
-Change in fasting inflammatory state (whole blood count, peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression, circulating inflammatory markers, urine metabolites and inflammatory markers, faecal inflammatory markers - secretory IgA, calprotectin, lipocalin, myeloperoxidase and zonulin)
Associated data: LDL particle size, gut microbiota, circulating TMAO and related metabolite concentrations, faecal metabolites, fasting plasma glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c, blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, body composition, fasting amino acids and metabolites, whole blood count, peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression, circulating cytokines, urine metabolites and inflammatory markers, faecal inflammatory markers.Principal investigator contact email