The University of Auckland

HVN BREAD Metadata Record - Bread Related Effect on Microbial Distribution (BREAD) Study

posted on 2024-06-20, 23:30 authored by Nicole Roy, Richard Gearry

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Description: Dietary fibre (DF) is important in our diet. It promotes laxation, and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. However, inadequate DF intake is a dire issue in New Zealand (NZ). One of the strategies to improve DF intake in NZ could be to add DF into our everyday foods. Bread is the main food source of DF, and is considered as one of the cheaper food products to procure in NZ. Further, bread is an ideal vehicle to incorporate cereal bran into bread to increase DF content, which ultimately, may improve DF intake in the NZ population. Among all types of cereal bran, rice bran has high DF content, of which is doubled than that of oat bran. No trials, to date, have used defatted rice bran (DRB) in bread as an intervention. The process of defatting increases the proportion of DF in rice bran by increasing its insoluble fibre content. Several studies have therefore, suggested using DRB as a source of value-added food ingredient. As the recommended intake for DF differs between females and males, this study will therefore, assess the effects of three (females), four (males) slices of DRB bread over 28 days on gut microbial composition and function, other specific clinical, biological and physiome outcomes in healthy adults with low DF intake.



University of Auckland

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HVN Project / Programme Name


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Principal investigator organisation

University of Otago

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigators Professor Nicole Roy, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago, Dunedin Professor Richard Gearry, Department of Medicine, Gastrointestinal Unit for Translational Studies, University of Otago, Christchurch Research coordinator Dr Simone Bayer (University of Otago, Christchurch) Project Team Dr Catherine Wall (University of Otago, Christchurch) Professor Warren McNabb (Riddet Institute) Dr Jane Mullaney (Riddet Institute, AgResearch) Dr Meika Foster (Riddet Institute, Edible Research) Dr Karl Fraser (Riddet Institute, AgResearch) Dr Diana Cabrera (AgResearch) Dr Janine Cooney (Plant and Food Research) Dr Tania Trower (Plant and Food Research) Dr Catrin Guenther (Plant and Food Research) Professor Chris Frampton (University of Otago, Christchurch) Jasjot Maggo, PhD fellow (University of Otago, Christchurch) Hwei Min Ng, PhD fellow (University of Otago, Christchurch)

Data description

Primary Outcome - Changes in relative abundance of a composite of key microbial genera & species in faecal samples after 3 (for females)/ 4 (for males) slices of DRB bread compared to 3 (for females)/ 4 (for males) slices of control white toast bread. Associated data: Faecal microbiome - shotgun metagenomics Secondary outcomes 1. Patient-reported outcomes: a. Validated patient-reported subjective assessment of digestive comfort, fatigue, vitality, mental health & general well-being b. Changes in faecal form - Bristol Stool Chart c. Demonstration of using DRB bread being an appropriate intervention & strategy to increase DF intake Associated data: PROs (GSRS, PROMIS-Anxiety, PROMIS-Depression, WHO-5, WEMWBS, MFI-SF, SVS); Faecal form (Daily bowel habit diary); DF intake (Food diary record, Daily Bread Diary) 2. Clinical outcomes: - Changes in cardiovascular risk profile. Associated data: Cardiovascular risk profile (Blood Pressure, Anthropometry, Blood Lipid Concentration) 3. Biological outcomes: - Changes in faecal microbiota predictive gene abundance, faecal & plasma metabolites. Associated data: Faecal microbiota, predictive gene abundance, faecal bile acids concentrations, faecal & plasma organic acids concentrations, faecal & plasma metabolome concentrations 3. Physiome outcomes: a. Changes in whole gut transit time measured by blue food dye b. Changes in whole gut & regional transit time & fermentation gas profiles generated by Atmo gas sensing capsule Associated data: Blue food dye; Atmo gas sensing capsule data Other data: Participant information sheet & screening; Modified Hunter New Engl& Health Survey (modHNES) Questionnaire; Economic Living St&ard Index short form (ELSIsf) (Enrolment)

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