The University of Auckland

HVN1943 Metadata Record - Effect of collagen hydrolysate on muscle recovery

posted on 2024-04-10, 04:39 authored by Jane Coad

This metadata record and it's attached files make statements about the kinds of data collected as part of this research, and set out policies for governance of that data, now and in the future.

Description: Common after strenuous and unaccustomed exercise, exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD) typically results in soreness, inflammation, collagen breakdown and alterations in muscle function; these symptoms can impact sequent exercise performance and activities of daily living. As such, considerable research has been undertaken to identify modalities that can alleviate the symptoms of EIMD and expedite recovery, including various dietary interventions. Supplementation with dairy protein has shown promise in alleviating the symptoms of EIMD however, despite this growing evidence, there is no consensus as to the effect of dairy protein supplementation on recovery from EIMD. As an alternative to dairy protein, several recent studies suggest that supplementation with collagen hydrolysate, an inexpensive, protein rich by-product of the meat industry, may improve rates of recovery after eccentric exercise, while also enhancing adaptations to strenuous exercise. However, only a few studies have investigated the effect of collagen hydrolysate on recovery from EIMD and it appears that none have compared collagen hydrolysate to dairy protein.

Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of collagen hydrolysate on recovery from EIMD. Healthy male participants, aged between 18 and 40, will undertake a single trial in which they will complete a single 30-minute bout of downhill running at -15% incline at 70% of VO2max speed. Measures of muscle soreness, muscle function, running economy and blood markers of inflammation and muscle damage will be made prior to exercise and again 30 minutes, 24, 48 and 72 hours after exercise. Participants will consume either a supplement containing 25 g of protein from collagen hydrolysate, hydrolysed milk or a non-protein placebo powder 45 minutes, 22, 46 and 70 hours post-exercise. We hypothesise that, when compared to an equivalent amount of dairy protein or a placebo, collagen hydrolysate will reduce muscle soreness and inflammation and increase the rate of recovery for measures of muscle function.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


Temporal coverage: end


HVN Project / Programme Name


Data access requirements

For ethical reasons, no individualised data will be reported. Data will be presented as group mean and standard deviations.

Principal investigator organisation

Massey University

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Primary investigators: Professor Jane Coad, School of Food and Advanced Technology, Massey University (Albany) A/P Matthew Barnes, School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, Massey University (Albany) Associate investigators: Dr Janet Weber (Massey University) Drew Gordon, Doctoral Student (Massey University)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data Primary Outcomes -Delayed onset of muscle soreness measured prior to and post-exercise. -Muscle function measured prior to and post-exercise -Running economy measured prior to and post-exercise Associated data: Soreness score (visual analogue scale), midthigh pull data, VO₂ consumption during 5 minutes running at 80% VO2max (running economy) Secondary Outcomes -Blood biomarkers of collagen synthesis (serum procollagen type I N-terminal peptide; PIIANP) and degradation (plasma cross-linked C-terminal telopeptide of type II collagen; CTX-II) measured prior to and post-exercise -Blood biomarkers of inflammation (hsCRP and interleukin-6) measured prior to and post-exercise -Plasma Creatine kinase concentration measured prior and post-exercise -Right quadriceps (thigh) muscle strength measured prior to and post-exercise - Lower body power output measured prior to and post-exercise using vertical jump test Associated data: Blood biomarkers of collagen synthesis and degradation, Blood biomarkers of inflammation, Plasma creatine kinase concentration, Muscle torque (isokinetic dynamometer), Jump height (vertical jump test)

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