The University of Auckland
hvn-1904-mover-metadata.json (21.35 kB)
hvn-1904-mover-metadata.txt (13.83 kB)
2 files

HVN1904 MOVER Metadata Record - Musseling-up 2.0: Greenshell™ mussels for inflammation, metabolism and muscular skeletal function. Investigating the effect of long-term New Zealand green shell mussel powder consumption on promoting the recovery of muscle function following a bout of exercise-induced muscle damage to the quadriceps in untrained healthy males.

posted on 2024-01-16, 01:47 authored by Matthew R Miller, Dominic Lomiwes

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Description: Prolonged and unaccustomed eccentric muscular work (like downhill walking) produces micro-structural damage to muscles resulting in inflammation and delayed soreness. Muscle damage from this exercise is associated with impaired muscle function (i.e. loss of muscle strength and mobility) and localised swelling/oedema. Although the mechanisms behind eccentric muscle damage are not precisely known, it is believed that along with initial mechanically induced disruption, secondary damage is caused by the inflammatory process and oxidative stress from inflammatory cells recruited to the site of injury. New Zealand green shell mussel (GSM) is rich in omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory properties. Green shell mussel contains additional bioactive components including glycosaminoglycans and other novel peptides and lipids that modulate inflammatory processes. Previous dietary intervention studies have reported the efficacy of New Zealand GSM to modulate key inflammatory factors leading to reduced soreness following exercise and improved lung function through reduced bronchoconstriction. These findings highlight the potential for New Zealand GSM supplementation to modulate exercise-induced inflammation and support recovery of muscle function following muscle damage. In this study, we seek to investigate the effect of long-term New Zealand GSM dietary supplementation in modulating inflammation and inflammatory pathways following exercise-induced muscle damage to the quadriceps. We will aim to examine whether any modulation in inflammation by GSM consumption leads to expedited recovery of musculo-skeletal performance following muscle damage.



University of Auckland

Temporal coverage: start


HVN Project / Programme Name

HVN 1904

Data access requirements

This work is partly industry funded and publicly disclosing individual participant data will violate our confidentiality agreement to protect the intellectual property generated from this study. Furthermore, ethics guidelines for human clinical studies do not allow us to release data that may risk the disclosure of the identity of participants who took part in this study.

Principal investigator organisation

Cawthron Institute

Collaborating researchers and affiliations

Principal Investigators: Dr Matt Miller, Cawthorn Institute Dr Dominic Lomiwes, Plant and Food Research Associate Investigators: Dr Shaun Ogilvie (Cawthron Institute) Te Rerekohu Tuterangiwhiu (Cawthron Institute) Professor Marlena Kruger (Massey University) Dr Fran Wolber (Massey University) Dr Karl Fraser (AgResearch Ltd)

Data description

Outcomes of the Study and associated data Primary Outcomes - Composite measures of muscle function parameters will include absolute and average peak torque from five maximal isometric, eccentric and concentric quadriceps contractions Associated data: Peak isometric torque data - Composite biomarkers of inflammation Associated data:plasma concentrations of IL-4, IL-2, CXCL10 (IP-10), IL-1ß, TNF-a, CCL2 (MCP-1), IL-17A, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gamma, IL-12p70, CXCL8 (IL-8), TGF-ß1 and RANTES - Composite biomarkers of muscle damage Associated data: Plasma creatine kinase activity, plasma C-reactive protein concentration. Secondary Outcomes - Subjective measures of pain - Composite biochemical measures of oxidative stress and recovery - Composite measures of plasma/whole blood antioxidant activity - Composite cell phenotyping of circulating blood leukocytes - Untargeted multiomic analysis of plasma samples Associated data: Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), visual analogue scale (VAS), whole blood/ plasma oxidative capacity, whole blood/ plasma malondialdehyde concentration, whole blood/ plasma levels of protein carbonyls, whole blood/ plasma lactate levels, whole blood/ plasma antioxidant activity (glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase), flow cytometry data (for cell phenotyping), plasma metabolomics, plasma lipidomics

Principal investigator contact email