The University of Auckland

Go with the flow: Population connectivity of the NZ scampi – raw data.

Version 4 2021-09-05, 03:18
Version 3 2021-04-30, 12:29
Version 2 2021-01-21, 19:18
Version 1 2021-01-19, 02:36
posted on 2021-09-05, 03:18 authored by Aimee van der ReisAimee van der Reis, Andrew JeffsAndrew Jeffs, Craig NorrieCraig Norrie, Shane LaveryShane Lavery, Emma CarrollEmma Carroll
This is the raw GBS and particle modelling data that has been used in the article "Go with the flow: Population connectivity of the New Zealand deep sea lobster, Metanephrops challengeri".

'NZ_scampi_GBS.tar.gz' are the raw sequencing files for each scampi individual used for the population genetics section of this study.

'' are the raw NETCDF files used for the hydrodynamic particle modelling section of this study.

'Haplotypic_data.vcf' is the Stacks de novo output file from the raw data (NZ_scampi_GBS.tar.gz ).

NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA):
Please note that the SRA data does NOT differ from the data uploaded here. The SRA metadata files (sample and NGS) have also been uploaded here.


This funded study was part of Ka Hao te Rangatahi: Revolutionary Potting Technologies and Aquaculture for Scampi (CAWX1316) funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, and led by Shaun Ogilvie.



University of Auckland