The University of Auckland

Ecoprovince match array and trade group pair matrices - Appendix B3 of PhD Thesis - Tracing marine biosecurity risks using multi-region input-output analysis

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posted on 2022-11-09, 05:33 authored by Mimi TzengMimi Tzeng

The five matrices in this dataset are the two layers of a 3D array that contains the MEOW ecoprovince matches between each pair of 67 trade groups, and three matrices containing three types of source-destination risk data between the matched ecoprovinces (see DOI: 10.17608/k6.auckland.21313836). In order, the variables are: source ecoprovince, destination ecoprovince, environmental similarity risk, voyage duration risk, and voyage path risk. For each matrix, the 67 trade groups are listed in the same order in both rows and columns. Values for each pair of trade groups can be found at the intersection of row and column for each pairwise combination. The 3D array, when assembled in a computing environment (i.e., R), has two values for each pair of trade groups instead of one (one for source and one for destination).

In addition to the five csv files corresponding to the five matrices, the dataset also includes an R workspace file. Variables in the file include a 3D array for the source-destination ecoprovince pairs per trade group, the three types of distance and risk data for each ecoprovince pair, the list of trade groups, and the three types of risks per trade group pair.

The matrices were created as part of a project to evaluate whether the global movement patterns of marine biosecurity risk species can be predicted based on the global movement patterns of internationally traded commodities. In particular, source-destination risk estimates between pairs of trading nations were used as input data in a multi-region input-output model (an economic analysis technique).



University of Auckland

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