The University of Auckland
- No file added yet - Source-Destination Marine Biosecurity Risk Quantifications: Final Data

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posted on 2022-12-02, 09:44 authored by Mimi TzengMimi Tzeng

The probability of a successful marine bioinvasion via global commercial shipping traffic is affected by the probability that marine non-indigenous species (NIS) will survive the journey between the origin and recipient locations, i.e. the probability of introduction. The two main voyage-related risk factors that affect the probability of introduction are duration and path. In addition, environmental similarity between the origin and recipient locations affects the probability that NIS that survived the journey will also survive to successfully establish an independently reproducing population, i.e., the probability of establishment. 

The geographical locations from which source-destination risks can be quantified were defined using the Marine Ecoregions Of the World (MEOW) biogeographic classification system (Spalding et al. 2007) at the ecoprovince level of the hierarchy. Each of the six matrices in this dataset contains one of the following variables associated with each possible pair of 62 MEOW ecoprovinces: environmental distance, environmental similarity risk, physical distance (m), voyage duration risk, cross-latitude distance (decimal degrees), and voyage path risk. For each matrix, the 62 ecoprovinces are listed in the same order in both rows and columns. Values for each pair of ecoprovinces can be found at the intersection of row and column for each pairwise combination. 

Environmental distances were obtained from Tzeng (2022) and used to calculate environmental similarity risk. Voyage-related marine biosecurity risks were calculated from computer-generated maritime vessel paths between pairs of ecoprovinces. The physical length of the path, i.e. physical distance, was used to calculate voyage duration risk. The cross-latitudinal extent of the path, i.e. cross-latitude distance, was used to calculate voyage path risk. In each case, the equation to calculate risk from distance was: risk = 1-(distance/ceiling(max(distance))). 

The dataset is made available as six separate CSV files containing one of each matrix, and as a workspace file for the R computing environment.



Spalding, M.D., Fox, H.E., Allen, G.R., Davidson, N., Ferdaña, Z.A., Finlayson, M., Halpern, B.S., Jorge, M.A., Lombana, A., Lourie, S.A., Martin, K.D., McManus, E., Molnar, J., Recchia, C.A., and Robertson, J. (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: a bioregionalization of coast and shelf areas. BioScience 57: 573-583. DOI: 

Tzeng, M.W. (2022). Environmental Distances Between Marine Ecosystems of the World (MEOW) Ecoregions and Ecoprovinces. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 764771. DOI:



University of Auckland