The University of Auckland

4th APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Virtual Conference and PhD Symposium Book of Abstracts

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Version 3 2021-02-02, 04:31
Version 2 2021-02-02, 04:24
Version 1 2020-12-14, 19:28
conference contribution
posted on 2021-02-02, 04:31 authored by Paola BoarinPaola Boarin, Errol HaarhoffErrol Haarhoff, Manfredo ManfrediniManfredo Manfredini, Mohsen MohammadzadehMohsen Mohammadzadeh, Alessandro PremierAlessandro Premier
Submitted Abstracts for the 4th APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub PhD Symposium, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 14-18 December 2020



Future Cities Research Hub, School of Architecture and Planning of the University of Auckland

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Temporal coverage: end
