The University of Auckland

16th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism - Book of Abstracts

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Version 3 2024-12-11, 22:36
Version 2 2024-12-11, 02:13
Version 1 2024-12-09, 23:42
conference contribution
posted on 2024-12-11, 22:36 authored by Manfredo ManfrediniManfredo Manfredini, Jürgen Rosemann, Chiu-Yuan, Vivienne Wang, Ye Zhang, Hendrik Tieben, Min-Jay Kang, Paola Viganò, Machiel Van Dorst, Flavio Janches

The Book of Abstracts includes the contribution to the 16th IFoU conference organized as a collective event by six member institutions of IFoU: National Taiwan University, EPFL Lausanne, University of Buenos Aires, Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Auckland – Waipapa Taumata Rau, and Delft University of Technology. Under the general theme, Urbanism of Hope, each participating institution became the host for one sub-theme presented online during the conference. In this way, following the presentations of the different sub-themes from host to host, it became a virtual tour around the world.



Future Cities Research Centre, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland